Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Brian's 21st and Healthy's 22nd!

Finally, the second last 21st birthday we'll have in our group, next is Rea. So this time, comparably it was a simple gathering. Just movie and dinner.
One thing that happened without us happening was Katy Perry was at Event Cinemas at Town Hall George Street Cinemas making an appearance on her new movie: 3D Katy Perry: Part of Me.
We watched "Brave" and we thought it might be a childish cartoon, but surprisingly it wasn't. To me it was a very emotional movie where a girl dislikes her mother deciding her every step. But until her mum turned into a bear, they both learnt much more about each other, and understanding each other's weaknesses and strengths. Their relationship with each other was strengthened through pressured and stressful times. 
We had  a simple dinner at Campbells Restaurant at Chinatown, and for the first time, we actually went to a Chinese restaurant, but ate steak... not bad of a place. The service was good and the food was good. Well worth the price.
I only took photos when we got out of the restaurant, and we got to this kind of stuff....
I'm kinda crazy about all this magical levitation right now, because I reckon it makes the photo look so much more interesting. I'm sure by now, most of my friends know me as the "friend who always try to get everyone jumping in a shot." Until now, it still hasn't happened, so I might as well do it on myself and to people who actually want to do it.

Then at Cockle Bay Wharf, there weren't any fireworks, but there was a permanent light display on the two new buildings across from the park.
But since my photos were blurry, I might as well make it apparent.

Group shot!

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