Monday, July 30, 2012

Brand new start. Brand new 365 challenge with Brian

Yes, you read it right! I started a new 365 project again. I failed in my previous one mainly because I was very busy, and there just wasn't enough time for me to take a photo and upload it. Or even take a photo, and forget I actually took a photo. So to keep my interest going I decided to take on the challenge again with a twist!
For this challenge I got Brian to join as well. So the two of us. Photography Noobs. In for a year of photography where we are opponents! So basically, we post the photo onto Facebook, and DigitalRev, and whoever gets the most likes in that week, wins and gets to choose the next theme. Yeah! Themes, we have themes this time. So basically it's themes. Enough said.
So we've both conquered 2 weeks already, and starting on the 3rd week..

First week: Red, White and Blue

Week 2: Reflections... This one was relatively easier than week 1's theme..

This weeks: Monochrome... I've never tried this before, but I have done black and white before... will post some other time!

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